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Water Science and Technology Special Issue on

Emerging Technologies for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse





Wastewater treatment has been evolving at a different pace alongside history, impacted by increasing concentrations of people in towns and cities. With increasing pressures on water resources, concerns on how to find new resources capable of helping to reach equilibrium with demand often arise. In this context, one of the main possibilities to cope with water scarcity is wastewater reclamation and reuse. Wastewater reclamation and reuse is an Environmentally Sound Technology because it protects the environment, resulting in less pollution, utilizes resources in a more sustainable manner, allows waste products to be recycled, and handles residual wastes in a more acceptable manner than other technologies.


The overall aim of this special issue is to compile the latest research and development, emerging technologies, up-to-date issues, and challenges in the field of water and wastewater treatment. The manuscripts selected for publication will demonstrate state of art wastewater treatment technologies, including various aspects related to wastewater management, treatment technologies for sewage and industrial wastewater. In addition, papers will cover various other technologies such as membrane separation technologies, nanotechnology and the role of photocatalysts in wastewater treatment, advanced oxidation technologies, zero liquid discharge and desalination.



Key dates:

Deadline for paper submission: 30th September 2019

Expected publication: March 2020


How to submit:

Please make sure that your paper follows the Instructions to Authors, before submitting your paper directly to Water Science and Technology’s peer review system: choosing the category: Emerging Technologies for Reuse Special Issue. This will send your paper to one of the Guest Editors.



Guest Editors:

Dr. Sankaran Krishnamoorthy (Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore)

Dr. Rangabhashiyam. S, (SASTRA University, India)

Dr. Govindarajan. R (Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, India)

Dr. Sivashankar. R (Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, India)

Professor Thomas Wintgens (FHNW -University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland)

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